The Toni Funck-Large Foundation has partnered with the VCCF. They will be adminstering the foundation set up in Tonis honor.

The Goals of the Toni Funck-Large Foundation

  • Discover, explore and allow children to become a part of the outdoors, during all seasons, create lifelong memories that would not be afforded otherwise.
  • Children afforded the ability to interact humanely with animal sanctuaries and charitable organizations related to fostering animals.
  • Introduction to the Arts, allowing the wonderful children to discover themselves like never before imagined, through self-expression in the arts.

Sign-up to learn more

As this fund is the process of being set up, we invite you to sign-up for notifications and updates as they happen. We will let you know when the fund is officialy accepting donations and you can be one of the first to donate!

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